Promoted to Purple Belt:- Emily Allinson, Dominic Blackburn, Joseph Ridley
Promoted to Orange Belt :- Oliver Metcalfe
Promoted to Double Brown stripe:- Charlotte Jackson, Liam Carver, Jay Pringle, Torrin Theaker
Promoted to Black Stripe:- Angus Kay
Promoted to Brown Stripe:- Daisy Stephenson
Promoted to Red Stripe:- Ethan Walton, Ryan Makepeace, Oscar Largue, Hannah Blackburn, Ben Gordon
Promoted to Purple/white stripe:- Miya Clough, Jonathan Woo Ling, Jordan Helm, Thomas Matthews
Promoted to Blue Stripe:- Benjamin Marney, Emily Bone, Aaron Armstrong, Ethan Scott, Owen Scott, Thomas Nicholls, Jacob Snowdon, Chloe Littlewood, Dean Littlewood, George Cruddas, Isla Cruddas
Promoted to Green Stripe:- Kass Cheetham, Amelia Patterson, Georgie Garroch, Nyle Bhati, Thomas Patterson
Promoted to Yellow Stripe:- Thomas Coates, Callum Collins, Joe Guariento, Sam Johnson, Mae Bullock, Ben Rawlinson, Ethan Knox, Harrison Gallon, Harry Kosyl, Joseph McGurrell, Maddison Carr, Ben Thomson, Jamie Douglas, Maya Baggaley, Kerian Capp, Jacob Docherty, Luke Wilson, Oliver Hall
Well done everyone!!!!!!!