Results from our Colour Belt grading Saturday 5th December
Promoted to 1st Kup:- Emily Allinson, Callum Collins
Promoted to 2nd Kup:- Nico Karim
Promoted to 3rd Kup:- Dylan Gordon
Promoted to 4th Kup:- Jonathan Woo Ling, Jacob Snowdon
Promoted to 5th Kup:- Giuseppe Savarino, Evan Blake, Thomas Malley
Promoted to 6th Kup:- George Shotton, Luke Garwood, Charlie Lamb
Promoted to 7th Kup:- Adam Hutton, Jacob Hedley
Promoted to 8th Kup:- Anna Blake, Ken Curry, Emily Craggs
Promoted to 9th Kup:- Sienna Dowson, Madison Harding, Isaac Pickup, Dylan Dale, Oliver French, Eve Sidaway, Matthew Donnelly, Amelia Park, Oskar Rowlands, Ismael Biernacki- Gackou
Promoted to 10th Kup Level 2:- Toby Baker, Rafa Musgrave, Elsa Shotton, Andrew Gardner, Lily Henderson
Promoted to 10th Kup Level 1:- Poppy Marston, Kai Bell, Ava Price
Well done everyone !!!!
You can now check your books and the YouTube channel to learn your new patterns!!!
Belts will be presented if required in your next class.
Extra congratulations to the following for achieving a plus pass:- Nico Karim, Dylan Gordon, Jonathan Woo Ling, Anna Blake, Isaac Pickup, Dylan Dale and Oskar Rowlands.
Also a very extra special well done to Eve Sidaway for achieving an A PASS!!!!! Only the 6th one in the history of our club!!!!